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To be the preferred source for seats, foams, components and sub-system parts in the commercial vehicle industry and adjacencies



We will enhance customer delight with excellence in design, manufacturing, and services.


We will leverage efficiencies in the deliverables to exceed customer expectations on comfort, safety, quality, and reliability.

We will create a high-performance organization with sustained growth.



People: We value relationships and ensure mutual respect and courtesy.

Integrity: We resolve to live up to the highest standards of fairness and ethics.

Employees: As a learning organization, we facilitate a progressive work culture with professional growth in the right environment of health and safety.

Board of Directors 

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Rengarajan S, Director

Rengarajan Srinivasan is an Engineering professional with a career experience of 42 years in Indian Auto Component Industry.


An industry expert in Manufacturing, Sales & Marketing, Product development and Business planning & strategy. 

Advising and mentoring support for start-up initiatives and Entrepreneurship development. 


Pursuing interests in Environment protection and Green initiatives with social engineering transformation. 


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Pradeep Ambavaram, Director

Pradeep Ambavaram (M.B.A, B.S.) has experience in Information Technology,

Consulting and Operations.


He is a member of the Council for Social Development, which manages colleges in Andhra Pradesh.

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Vaibhav Narang, Director

Vaibhav Narang (B. A. Economics) has experience in manufacturing and operations. He is involved in bus body building for over 15 years.

Registered Office & Factory Address

StellarSP Pvt. Ltd. Survey No.449, Anekal Samandur Road, Samandur Village, Anekal Taluk, Bengaluru -562106, Karnataka, India     

Factory Telephone +  91 80 29909993, Sales office +91 80 22210010    

Mobile: Marketing + 91  91410 45275, Sales +91 91410 45276, Engineering +91 91410 45280, Purchase +91 91410 45288    


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